Wednesday, May 28, 2008

The Last Few Days

I leave for Minneapolis on Saturday morning, which isn't very far away. I have managed to adjust to the time off to relax and enjoy life, so it seems weird to be leaving, even though I'm looking forward to the internship. I still don't have any details on the internship, other than that I start on Monday (don't know where I'm going, other than the address on the website, don't know what time to show up, anything).
I have been attempting to practice the art of polite email reminders to the future boss on getting me the details without being rude. I think if I don't hear anything by Thursday afternoon, I will at least ask for the where and when info. But, as my mom pointed out, if I don't have any details, they can't have any expectations of things I should know, which is at least a little helpful.
Cody and I have been attempting to spend time together and with our friends before I go, which has been fun. I managed to make it to Moosewood for lunch today, the first time I had been there. It was fun, good food-- I got the vegan ratatouille, which was pretty dang good.
The packing thing hasn't actually started yet, but I think I will work on it this afternoon. The plan is to watch a chick flick and pack while Cody is at work, before meeting some friends for a movie later. Hopefully I will maintain my motivation to get some packing done, or I think I may end up packing until Friday night, which means that I will be completely sleep deprived on my way to Minneapolis. And, I have to say, the prospect of needing to get up early in the morning next week to fight rush hour traffic into Minneapolis for work is not too thrilling. And, I haven't started readjusting my sleep schedule yet. Maybe soon, or maybe not. We'll see.

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