Monday, April 28, 2008

A Good Day

So, yesterday entailed a little bit of everything-- church in the morning, followed by a trip to Best Buy to pick up mario kart, a walk down to the creek, several hours spent playing the wii, followed by a walk to the ice cream store, followed by more playing the wii, and eventually convincing ourselves that we needed to sleep. Don't worry, I did manage to get some research done in there too!
As you can probably tell, it seems that Mario Kart is a continued bonding experience for Cody and I, for reasons that I will admit that I don't fully understand. I am not usually much of a video game person, but I enjoy the wii quite a bit, and I very much enjoy mario kart (not so much a fan of super smash brothers though-- I haven't actually played it, and have no desire to).
Cody and I achieved new levels of nerdiness/enjoyment though, when playing mario kart against some friends online, and setting up our laptops via skype, so we could all essentially watch each other play and talk to each other as we raced together. It was a lot of fun! :)
Our trip down to the creek was to watch the rubber duck race. We managed to stumble upon (we had heard rumors about it) hundreds of local children racing tiny rubber ducks down the creek in town as a fundraiser for the local 4H. It was a lot of fun to watch-- looking down the creek to see thousands of tiny yellow ducks, and they went on, and on, and on. Apparently the kids drop them over the bridge of the gorge into the creek, and the ducks race over a mile down the creek all the way to the lake (at least if we understand it correctly). So, we watched kids cheer as the ducks continued down their path, some of the older kids jump into the creek to free the ducks that were caught in the reeds, and at the very end, the several adults who were following down the creek as the duck herders. Dressed in waders, carrying large sticks, they were responsible for the stragglers, and it made me smile, watching them poke and prod at the little ducks in order to free them.
On a side note, one of the parts of living in upstate New York that is a little saddening to me is the fact that there are no Dairy Queens near here. I realize that not all of you will understand how DQ is fully ingrained as a part of my childhood. I grew up with a dad who knows where just about every DQ is in the state of Minnesota, and in my family we would take trips to the DQ almost weekly, whether it be after a softball game, on our way to run some errands, etc. we some how managed to fit trips to the DQ in everywhere. So, because there are no DQ's anywhere near here, Cody and I take occasional walks to Purity ice cream instead. It's not quite the same, but it's still pretty good (how can you go wrong with a hot fudge sundae on a chocolate chip cookie, with vanilla ice cream with peanut butter and chocolate swirls?).
All in all, it was a pretty good day. Perhaps even a very good day.
And, on the upside, this is the last week of classes, and I received another internship offer today! I am still waiting to make any final decisions until I hear back from everyone that I applied with/had interviews with (which should be fairly soon). But, it's nice to have options, and I am hoping to have a decision made soon so I can figure out where I will be for the summer (and if I need to buy a plane ticket somewhere!).

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