Sunday, February 3, 2008


So, life is beginning to take shape in a more formalized way here in Ithaca. My class schedule is now complete: International Trade Policy, Statistics for the Social Sciences, Community Development, and the Comparative History of Women and Work. Cody will start work officially as a shift supervisor this week, which means that we are moving out of the transition phase we had been in for the past several weeks.
One of the exciting aspects of moving out of transition is that we have officially become members of our church. We now have the opportunity to become more actively involved in church, which started today. It was a bit unusual because the church switched over to two services today, which was a bit haphazard, but also created more opportunity for involvement. I spent the morning greeting everyone as they walked into the building for the second service (aka the new service), and Cody served as an usher. The interesting part about being a greeter was that I had the chance to meet a lot of people I hadn't met yet, and was able to have some good (although very short) conversations. I haven't been this involved in a church since I left the church I grew up in, and I realized that I enjoy being able to serve in this capacity. Maybe not all the time, but it allows for new connections and opportunities, which I appreciate.
I am hoping that this church involvement will allow me to do more research for my master's thesis (which isn't formalized in any way yet). But, I am hoping to write my thesis (which isn't due for about 15 months) on the role that religious institutions play in creating community within a neighborhood or city. I realize that for some of you, this may not be very interesting, but I figured it might be for others (if so, and you have any ideas of books or organizations that I should check out, feel free to comment). Our church is intentionally located in the middle of town, and also has offices (the church meets in one of the local schools) in the center of town. It very much seeks to be a part of the community in which it is located, as well as seeking to create community within the church. This is a concept that intrigues me very much, and I think has much value.
On a totally separate note, this has also been a transition for me and my work at the store, as the store has a new manager. So far, this hasn't been going very well as I don't think the manager and I have clicked very well, and it is making work much less enjoyable. Hopefully this is short lived. But, if you feel so inclined, I would appreciate prayer on this, as it could make my already not relaxing weekends much less relaxing.
I hope that all of you are well!

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