Wednesday, February 13, 2008


So, if the title didn't give it away, I am currently writing from the ER here in Ithaca, where I have spent the last three hours approximately. I almost passed out in class today, and the only ways to get checked out were either to walk across to the other side of campus to the health services office (but I was shaky and dizzy and could hardly stand), or to be taken via ambulance to the local ER. Thus, here I am, IV attached, blood tests run, EKG and Xrays taken.
I have never been admitted into a hospital, and its a bit weird. My room is in the middle of the ER, and the curtain/door to my room is constantly left open, so I see everyone coming and going, nurses, doctors, patients, emt's, etc. I wouldn't recommend being admitted to the ER, but so far it hasn't been too bad. And, I had to post, because they have free wireless, I am really bored (but not awake enough to attempt to do my homework), and they don't allow access to facebook, so no playing scrabulous.
It's been pretty cool to see how our friends are willing to help us out though. Cody is home sick and unable to drive, so they picked him up to come check on me, and drove him home a little bit ago so he could take a nap. I will be here for probably another hour, and then hopefully able to go home. Just thought I would update the blog, and be a little lame and do it from the hospital, just for kicks.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Guys,

Hoping all is well with your health - read this post quite a bit ago, haven't heard anything since and are somewhat concerned.

hugs - the boals