Friday, January 25, 2008


I am slowly settling into the routine of having a job. I will admit that it is really hard for me to relax when I am not at work, mainly because I got so used to always having the job search hanging over my head last semester, I don't really know what to do without it. Basically, whenever I sit down at home, I feel like there is something I am supposed to be doing, and that I am probably slacking off. Oh well, if that is the worst I have to deal with, its not so bad.

So far I am enjoying my new co-workers, it was a little odd to run into one at the Laundromat earlier this week, but that is due to the fact that I am not used to knowing people around here. The increase in human interaction has been a definite plus.

Oddly enough, the whole having a job thing has allowed me to evaluate my status here in Ithaca in a new light, and I find myself incredibly homesick. I miss the ability to hang out with friends alot. I am sure I felt this last year after we got here, but most of the time I probably wrote it off as anxiety about the job search. Don't get me wrong, the people I have met here are great, but there is something to be said for friends who have known you for years. I miss the ability to have a truly amazing conversation over a quality pint or a chipotle burrito. Not to mention the ever-present disc golf companions.

That said, I miss you all greatly. It was a true blessing to see so many of you over Christmas and I can only hope that someday I will get the opportunity to live near you again.

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