Friday, January 11, 2008

3 Days Down

I have now completed 3 days of work at my new job. So far, things have been pretty slow going. I have mostly been training and reading training manuals. The co-workers are cool and my boss seems like a good guy. The location I work at is on the South end of Cornell's campus, so it is really slow right now. Classes don't start for another 10 days, so I am thinking that things will start picking up towards the end of next week.

So, if you find yourself in Ithaca any time soon, come by the store, and I will attempt not to screw up your drink. Oh, and the most complicated one so far was last night. Venti 9 pump Chai, 1 pump Peppermint Soy Chai Latte. I didn't make it, I just had to ring it up. Good times.

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