Saturday, November 3, 2007


I just found out that my Mom is going to have surgery next week to have a lump removed. I think this is the second or third time she has had this procedure done in the last fifteen or so years. Part of me is not worried, it kinda seems like a routine now, but another part of me is pretty freaked out. None of this is helped by the fact that my next door neighbor from growing up died two weeks ago from brain cancer. She had cancer four different times in her life, and the final cancer was diagnosed less than a month before she passed away. All this is to say, I might not be in the best place right now to deal with the possibility of my Mom having cancer.

In other not so uplifting news, I just talked to my sister for the first time in a couple weeks and my nephew is not doing well. He is becoming very violent and incredibly hard to control and I think my sister is reaching/past the end of her rope. The latest line of thining on her part is that Tristan may be Bi-Polar. His biological father was never diagnosed, but it is suspected that he could have been. Tristan's father committed suicide less than a year after Tristan was born. So, now my sister is pursuing any route that could lead to helping Tristan and finding some answers. The problem is that there are very few avenues left for her in North West Iowa. So, if any of you have any bright ideas regarding the treatment of Autism or developmental disorders in children in general, let me know.

And Pray.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing Cody. I am thinking of you and praying for your family.