Sunday, November 11, 2007

Arcade Fire on ACL Pt. 2

After seeing Arcade Fire last night, I was reminded again of how amazing the new wave of indie rock is. Over the past couple years I have heard firsthand reviews of the incredible event that is Arcade Fire live, but until last night, I had only seen short clips of their shows. The setlist was about an hour long, and they featured songs from both their new album Neon Bible and their previous album Funeral. The band consisted of ten people last night and the best part was that only two of the ten played the same instrument for whole show. Win (the lead vocalist) played acoustic guitar, electric, bass, and mandolin. Regine (the only permanent female member of the band) played keys, organ, acordian, drums and my favorite, the hurdy gurdy. The two guys, providing the wind section, played trumpet, euphonium, clarinet, french horn, bass saxophone and unbelievably, a bass clarinet.
The incredible amount of instrumentation added to the high energy of the show. It is a rare event to see a group perform that seems so genuinely excited to have the oportunity to make music together. They seemed to be completely in their element on stage and loving every minute of it. It was an impressive reminder of how cool live music can be.

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