Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Cascadilla Creek

Being that I have been unemployed for about two months now, I am getting a little stir crazy in the apartment. So, I have been trying to make an extra effort to get out of the house while the weather is still decent. Over the weekend I got out in the evening to walk around the neighborhood and smoke my pipe. Ithaca is an incredibly quiet place at night and very peaceful to walk around.
Yesterday I decided to go for a bit longer walk. I thought I would follow the creek that runs through town a block south of our house. The creek runs east-west through town and is pretty much a cement drainage ditch through the city. The fun starts at the base of the Cornell hill though, the creek comes out of a gorge that forms the southern end of the Cornell campus. I hiked the mile or so up the gorge to where the path ends in a stairwell that leads to the Cornell/Collegetown bridge. It was funny to realize that several of the people I passed on the trail were actually walking to their classes from town. It is funny to see a guy dressed in business casual, rocking to his ipod, and carrying a briefcase walking through what feels like the middle of nowhere. Anyways, here are some pictures I took. Enjoy

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those pictures are great. I hope you're doing o.k., and that you have fun at Brian's wedding next week :)