Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Leaving Town (at least for the weekend)

It's spring break this week, and I am happy to have the chance to work on all of the "other stuff" on the to do list. You know, the stuff that needs to get done, but when there is little time available, is simply not a priority. This has involved the chance to do laundry that had been piling up for couple (or several) weeks, washing the dishes that have been piling up (a task that still hasn't been completed), mopping the kitchen floor, etc.
In addition to that lovely list, I have also been able to work on several other important things-- sleeping more than 6 hours at night, working on my thesis, applying for more jobs (although this is something I do daily, now I don't feel like it's squeezed into any available 30 minutes I manage to find in my schedule), and planning our trip to Boston. As a city Cody and I are contemplating moving to, it seemed worthwhile to see what it is we are considering doing-- checking out the city as well as the chance to get away from Ithaca for awhile.
So, Friday morning we are getting up early and driving to Boston (a trip that should take a little over six hours I think). Hopefully, it should be a good weekend-- not only a time to relax, but to see if this is someplace we could spend some serious time in the future. I'm looking forward to it, partially because I've always wanted to go to Boston (neither of us have ever been there), and partially because I like the opportunity to get away.
If anyone has any suggestions on things we should/must do while gone, feel free to let us know, we are open to suggestions.

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