Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Back in NY

After a whirlwind visit to MN, Bri and I are back in NY. It was great to be home, but it was way too short. Luckily, we got to see a number of our friends and spend time with my folks and Bri's Dad.
I have decided though, that I am ok with not flying again for a while. Not that anything bad happened over the trip, I just find the entire experience of flying unenjoyable. Part of the problem is that I am too tall, but the other part, is that I just plain get bored. That being said, I did read two books over the weekend on the flights. The first was Stephen Colbert's "I Am America (And So Can You)" and the second was Russell Rathbun's "Post-Rapture Radio." It was my second reading of Radio, and I was once again really impressed. If I get super motivated, I will write a slightly more in depth review of the book. "America" was kind of like reading a really long episode of "The Colbert Report" the only problem being, it just isn't as good.

Anyways, thanks to everyone who found the time to hang out with us, and for those of you that missed us, hopefully we can see you at Christmas.

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